Then, Nicole and I were off to a Girl Scout program put on by the Society of Women Engineers. Despite the wind, it was a gorgeous day, which was nice since the whole program was outside at Astin Park. You know that little park by Bryan Municipal Golf Course and "arsenic lake"? We had 6 girls from Troop 9080 attend and only one other troop with 6 girls was there. Very sad considering that it was such a nice program and the engineers put so much effort in planning. Since attendance was low, there was a lot of individual attention for girls, which is unusual for such events. The girls made gak and built towers out of newspaper (quite challenging with all the wind). They also tried their hands at the human knot. If you have never done this before, you should give it a try. You need at least 5 people. Your group stands in a circle and each person puts their left hand into the middle of the circle. Then, everyone grabs someone else's left hand with their right hand making sure that the same two are not holding both of each other's hands. At this point, you are left with one big human knot. The object is to untangle the knot without anyone letting go. It takes some teamwork and cooperation, but you should end up in a big circle when all goes well. The lady engineers provided Potbelly Sandwiches for lunch. An interesting choice I must say for this age girls (I was expecting pizza). I thought they were quite tasty, but Nicole did not like them at all. They had lettuce and tomatoes on them (oo-yuck!). She suffered through it though. Oh, the trials and tribulations of the picky eater. The girls ended up earning the "Making It Matter" badge and received a participation patch.
After the program, Nicole and I, accompanied by Mrs. Kathy and Rachel, made a run for the grocery store. College Station is out of school for a student holiday on Monday so we are going to put on an all day badge workshop at our house for the troop. It should be lots of fun. We are going to work on activities for two badges: "Let's Get Cooking" and "Finding Your Way". So the trip to the grocery store was to buy food for lunch and snacks. I am looking forward to the event and hope all goes well.
We started out slow on Sunday and slept in until 9am! Well, I did anyway. Found out later that Terry had gone to work during the night to work. I think he tells me when he leaves, but I never remember it. I'm a really good sleeper ("good" sounds so much better that "hard", don't you think?). Anyway, he still had the energy to make a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, waffles, biscuits and gravy, and bacon. Yes, we must have pancakes and waffles (curse of the picky eater, again). Nicole will only eat waffles and Terry and Ryan prefer pancakes. Needless to say, everyone left the table with full bellies.
Later in the day, Nicole and I drove to Brenham for a "Cookie Celebration". It was a council event to honor those girls that sold over 1000 boxes or who were the top seller in their service unit. Nicole sold 1121 boxes of cookies this year! ***Thanks to all of those that supported her and our troop by buying cookies.*** There were several girls from College Station that sold over 1000. The top seller in our service unit sold just over 1600 boxes! The highlight if the trip, however, came at the end when they were drawing for door prizes. Each girl was given one orange and one blue ticket when they arrived. There were 5 gift bags up for grabs with the orange ticket drawing and one gigantic Dash puppy drawn for from the blue tickets. My darling daughter just knew she was going to win the Dash puppy. It was time to call the numbers for the orange tickets. 8-1-1-3. . . miss . . . 8-1-0-7 . . . miss . . . 8-1-1-4 . . . miss again. Her number was 8-1-1-0 and several numbers right in that area were called, but she didn't care. She was waiting for the blue ticket drawing. 8-1-4-2 . . . “It's me!” she called. She was just beaming with joy. She had won the big Dash puppy. She didn't stop smiling all the way home.

While we were celebrating cookies sales, Terry and Ryan were off to a Hit and Miss soccer game. Did I mention that was the name of the soccer team that Terry and I play on? Anyway, I was bummed about missing the game, but enjoyed spending the time with Nicole just the same. When I returned home, I had hopes of joining the soccer moms’ team play their evening soccer game since I missed ours. I played with them last spring and occasionally try to make it out to play with them even though I’m really not suppose to since I am not on their roster. But often times they are short players and they really don't mind letting me play. However, the other team, Purple Haze (grrrr), did mind and would not let me play. It’s against their “policy”, whatever that means. They have this girl on their team that is really good, but doesn't understand that division 5 is about having fun and getting some exercise, not running the score up on a bunch of soccer moms most of which have never even played before. All that means is that there was no soccer for me today :-( . There’s always next week.
You are doing such a fantastic job at blogging. This is going to be so cool for you and the kids to look back on in the years to come. I even know with scrapbooking, I have used some of my old notes of places that we have stayed, maybe even with the phone number or website, and I'm able to refer back to that information and it's been extremely helpful. It was just this morning, I looked at my scrapbook from last year's Lake Travis trip and was able to locate the website so that we can try to rebook the same location. Anyway........I hope you are enjoying blogging and you will keep it up. It's a lot less time sensitive and a lot less messier than scrapping. Haha
WOW!!! Look at that stuffed dog. She said it was big but...... NaNa
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