Well, it's been a while and it has been so busy, I haven't had time to sit down to write. Maybe if I get this started, I can get a complete post done soon. The most notable adventure since the last post was our vacation. Two weeks off, roaming around the country side.
We started with a simple trip to Oklahoma for a bit of family time. We left on Friday, 6/15, and completely surprised Mom and Dad since we weren't suppose to leave until Saturday. You should

have seen the looks on their faces when Nicole and Ryan started pounding on the door wanting in. Since they didn't know we were coming, they had already had dinner so Terry and I went to Taco Mayo, my favorite visit place to eat when we visit OK. It's not that it's fancy or all that great, it's just that we don't have one in College Station. Anyway, after dinner, we dropped by to see Nanny and Granddad. They were surprised to see us, too. It was a nice little visit, Terry hadn't seen Nanny and Granddad's new apartment. My aunt and cousin was there visiting when we arrived. We don't get to see the extended family much since we live in Texas and there is always a family feud happening so it was nice to see them. Sometimes, my aunt says some strange things. She found out that I was playing softball and soccer, she said that I should act my age. Not

sure what that was suppose to mean, but I enjoy being active and don't plan on stopping any time soon.
We spent the night at Mom and Dad's house and enjoyed a

down-home fish fry on Saturday. Dad had caught a mess of fish a few weekends back. He had also taken Tela and Kailey fishing and they caught more fish. Let me tell you, there was a lot of fish. But if you ask me, I think Camden liked the pudding the best!

Saturday night we went to Chelle and Donnie's since we were going to church with them on Sunday morning. Camden was dedicated to the Lord at the Sunday morning service. What a special time!
Sunday night, Chelle and Donnie had asked me to play on their softball team. They had a double header. I should mention they play on a Little League field in Piedmont, OK. Yes, there is such a place. They even have a Sonic and Dollar General there. Anyway, playing on a Little League field was interesting. They had a bunch of different rules to keep the score from being run up to badly. I hit two balls over the fence, one was foul, but the other was a home run. . . very exciting.
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