Between Girl Scout meetings, Day Camp training, school activities, and softball we have hardly had time to breath. Last Wednesday, we had a round robin pre-summer season softball tournament. This was my first outing as "the manager". [Yes, I volunteered for yet another lead position. Hopefully, it will just be for the summer.] I slid into third during the 3rd game and got a nasty abrasion on my leg. It's still a little oozy, but it's getting better every day. One of these days I will figure out that I am too old to be doing that. On the bright side, I was safe and scored later. Unfortunately, we lost the game. In the end, we won 3 out of 4. It was good enough for 2nd place, but not enough to win the $50 prize.

One of the highlights had to be taking the troop to see High School Musical on Ice. We went opening night so it wasn't too packed. We had good seats and I think everyone enjoyed the show. It's interesting how they condensed the story from both High School Musical and High School Musical 2 into an hour and a half show. The movement of the props and the skating were great.
The last session of day camp training was Saturday. I took the opportunity to try my hand at making a pizza box solar oven and used it to make s'mores. It worked okay, but would have been better if the sun had been fully shining while cooking. It was plenty hot, just partly cloudy. We are going to give it a try during to day camp and see how it goes. So far, it looks like we will have plenty of sun. The theme this year is "Science Matters at Camp Howdy" so you might imagine that I am very excited about the programs and activities.
The summer softball season started last night with a double header. We won both 13-7 and 30-2. We hit the ball very well all night. I hope that keeps up all season! Did I mention that our soccer season will start on Sunday? We have some new players on the team so it should be interesting.
Tomorrow is the last day of school and Nicole's 4th grade graduation. It's hard to believe that she is leaving elementary school. Sounds so cliché, but it seems like just yesterday she was starting kindergarten. Next year, she will go to Oakwood and she is so excited.

Apparently, there are a number of extracurricular activities that she is interested in trying. She is already talking about the chess club, the Scrabble club and the choir. I'm glad I have the summer to get ready for all that! Ryan's class is having a picnic and games for the last day of school. I think he is ready for the break. Did I tell you he lost another tooth? He is now missing all four top front teeth. He is having a heck of time eating apples and corn!
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