Where does the time go?? I haven't posted for two weeks! So you may ask, what has been going on? Let's see if I can summarize.
Our end of season softball tournament was on April 30th. Short Bus had a good showing. We had a bye in the 1st round, then, beat Those Guys in the 2nd round. We won our 3rd round game and went to the finals. We played The Other Team, a team we play twice in the regular season. Sadly, we lost 4-3 in a hard fought game. Playing 3 games in one night was tiring, but boy, was it fun. We are going to play a round robin warm up tournament next week and the summer season will start the next week. Stephanie and I are managing the team this time so that should prove to be an interesting experience.
We also finished up the spring soccer season last weekend. The last game was sweet as we played K2 United. Just a little background, this team sent some distasteful emails regarding our team (Hit and Miss) a week or so before the game. I mean come on, we are playing Division V soccer. . . no contact. . . out there to have fun. If you want to be that competitive move up to Division IV. Anyway, it was too bad for them, as the emails reached the president of the league (his wife plays on our team). Let's just say there was some highly apologetic words flowing from them soon after that. So we didn't really know what to expect when it came to game time. All in all, it was a clean game and the beauty of it was we won 4-3. . . sweet justice reigned.
Ryan's soccer team is doing really well. We have had some issues with the referees and the league, but the boys are doing great. They are undefeated for the spring and have one game left. They are starting to pass to each other and really picking up on their footwork. Go Green Dragons!
Nicole and Girl Scouts have kept me busy.

We have had so many events going on, it's hard to keep up. We had our service unit leader banquet. That was nice. I received a "Key Person" award. I also had the opportunity to announce the "Thank you! Thank You!" awards. That was an unexpected surprise that I enjoyed. We had a troop campout last weekend. We had 5 girls and 2 adults sleeping in tents out at Camp Howdy. Overall, I thought it was a good time, but apparently there were some issues that I was just oblivious to. The girls are 10- and 11-years-old and in the 4th grade. Probably not much more needs to be said, except they were definitely acting there age.

A few of the girls in our troop went to an awards ceremony for another troop. The other troop was bridging from Brownies to Juniors and asked if our troop could come and do a flag ceremony. Then, this Saturday brought the first of two day camp training sessions. Day camp is coming June 2 through June 5 and I will be a unit leader again this year. Looking forward to it as it will be my last year to lead Nicole's unit. Next year, she will be in the camp craft unit and the next year she will be an Aide in Training (AIT). They are all growing up so fast. Kathy and I are toying with the idea of being Assistant Day Camp Directors next year. I'll keep you posted on that if it comes to fruition.

Oh, there is one more thing that was interesting. Nicole had to do her first science project complete with a poster for the science fair. Her project was based on something we learned at day camp last year. Termites secrete trail pheromones and it turns out that there is a chemical in ink pens that is similar to these trail pheromones. So if you draw a

circle on a piece of paper with an ink pen, the termite will follow the line. She set out to see if the brand or color of ink pens made a difference to the termites. We found the termites out at Camp Howdy and she tried several different pens. We finished collecting the data for the experiment on Saturday and finished putting the poster together last night.

It was a neat experience and I was proud of how much work she put into it. YES. . . it was due today and YES. . . we have known about it for several weeks and YES. . . we waited until the last minute, but what more would you expect from me. Hopefully, she won't pick up all my bad habits!
Well, that catches you up what we have been up to lately. I'll keep posting so come back soon!
1 comment:
Yep, I'm slack on my blogging too. I'm going to try to write up something but decided to check on my fellow bloggers to see if they were slacking too. Now, I don't feel so bad. LOL
As always, good job, very interesting and keep it up!
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